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Job Search After 15 Years of Career

Do you find it hard to search for a new position after 15 years of career or more?

When people are looking for a job without success, I always suggest the following:

🟢 Make your resume and applying practices effective – if you are not getting interviews, it's most likely your resume

🟢 Include only relevant skills and the accomplishments for the industry/role you are applying for, don't generalize your search

🟢 Change the job search approach, don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over again

Olivera coaching and consulting olivera andjelkovic

You need to reflect and find out what you are doing wrong, pick an industry and a role, and modify your professional branding.

It’s often very hard, but you need to move on and learn from your experience.

Message me if you need help with your job search, I’m always happy to give advice.

Work smarter, not harder. 🍀

P.S. When you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

Book my customized resume writing and LinkedIn profile services: stand out among the competition and maximize your chances to get invited to interviews and receiving a job offer. BOOK HERE

Get a full job search coaching package of services: land an interview in 30 days or less. BOOK HERE

Book my executive coaching services: get professional guidance on entering or getting promoted to the executive or VP level. BOOK HERE



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