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Working in the International Organisation

Are you an expat looking for a job? Working for an international organisation is your dream?

Then, keep reading!

Over the years, I’ve coached quite a few professionals like you, who then found a role in organisations like the UN, OECD, WHO, NATO, OPCW, or IAEA.

However, applying to positions in international organisations and getting an offer is all another level of job search, and here is why:

🔴 Recruitment is highly competitive at all levels

🔴 Openings are listed on the organisation’s own websites

🔴 You need to meet many requirements to be considered

🔴 The hiring process lasts long, sometimes for months

UN NATO OPCW IAEA international organisation expat jobs career

International organisations typically require a relevant postgraduate degree, professional work experience, and fluency in English and at least one other language. Most positions require specialist technical expertise as well. Many organisations have a diversity and gender-balance rule, so they sometimes hire only candidates from underrepresented groups (or member countries) for certain positions.

If you’ve previously worked, or you want to start working in one of the professional/higher categories (P levels), you will need all the help you can get to apply for these positions successfully and to go through the interviewing process. If you want to work as one of the employees in a general staff category (G level - translators, secretaries, maintenance services), this does not require an academic background, but the competition is fierce. New graduates often have the easiest entry path into these organisations as interns or volunteers, but for all others, it can be very challenging.

And all that is worth it, because you will have access to significant benefits – besides the attractive salary, you will get a tax-exempt status, and a number of allowances (relocation, housing, child education).

If you are serious about achieving your goal, this is how I can help you:

✅ Prepare and adjust your resume to the role requirements

✅ Advise you on the application process

✅ Prepare you for interviews

Remember, you will be competing with people from different parts of the world, and you need to stand out from the rest. 🥇

All your professional experience will not matter if it’s not presented correctly.


Do you need professional assistance in your job search? Book now:

Work smarter, not harder. Invest in your career and your future wisely. 🍀



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