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How to Define Your Target Job?

"If I send out my resume to as many employers as I can, surely some of them will be interested in me."

This job search strategy is set to failure.

Job seekers do this because it's hard for them to summarise all their (long) experience, and they don't have a clear picture of what job they want next. As a result, many get frustrated very quickly after starting their job search, and then the "blaming game" starts.

How to define your target job for a more efficient job search?

You'll save much frustration if your very first step when you start looking for a job is crafting a specific job target.


1️⃣ A specific job goal will eliminate time wasted pursuing job postings that are outside of your scope and qualifications.

2️⃣ It will crystalise your employee value proposition which is crucial to hiring managers.

3️⃣ It will make you appear confident and focused to your potential employers.

4️⃣ It will engage your contacts and network to notify you about relevant opportunities.

The directions in defining your target job can be:

✅ Aiming for the next job above your current one – a level-up position.

✅ Targeting a different industry with the same role, or staying in the same industry but targeting a different role.

Read the files below about how to get as specific as possible about your next role.

Here is how I can help you further:

Work smarter, not harder. 🍀



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